Wednesday 21 September 2011

Katsina Historical Background.

                                                                            Historical background of Katsina.

                                           Calabash of Fura De Nunu

              The first ruler of Katsina was Known as “Kashna” son of Bawo and the first Sarkin Katsina was known as Kumayan, grandson of Bayajidda. Kumayan was said to have established himself after conquering an older Kingdom of the Durbawa. The dynasty founded by kumayan was overthrown a century later when Korau, a stranger from the town of Yandoto, killed Sanau and establish a new dynasty.
                In the earliest times the selection of a new king was conducted through the last of a spear, the name of the candidate was called the spear was thrown, if it remained up-right, the nomination was confirmed the use of wrestling contest whereby the winner automatically became the new king.
                The ear of Korau (1445-1495), also known as Muhammd Korau, is regarded as an important period in the history of Katsina for several reasons. Firstly he was the first Muslim King, secondly, he was the first to rule from the Birnin Katsina. Thirdly, it was during his time that the celebrated Islamic scholar Muhammad Abdulkarim Al-maghili visited Katsina.
                The town of Katsina, popularly called Birinin Katsina is believed to have come into existence towards the and of 15th century. From the time of Muhammad Korau, the town has remained the capital of the Kingdom. In ancient times, a city was built around the town to provide security. Major gateways to the city are.

This is kofar Kaura.

1.  kofar Kaura 
.2. kofar Kwaya 
3. kofar Yandaka.

                                                       This is Kofar Yandaka. The oldest Kofar in Katsina.

4. kofar Guga 
5. kofar Sauri 
6. Kofar Soro 

                                                                            This is Kofar Soro Emir`s palace

7.kofar Durbi
8. Kofar Morusa.
The royal regalia consist of a short sword known as “Gajere”(the short one ) which tradition says was the sword which Karau used to slay Sanau. The other two items are the iron pot which is said to belong to Karau, and a large sword known as “Bebe”(the deaf one) which was captured on the battle field after the great victory against Sarkin Gobir Yakubu in 1975.
                In the late 18th century, the most outstanding occupations were blacksmiths, cloth weaving and dyeing, leather tanning, wood carving, farming, grain selling, salt trading, building etc.  
                                                                                                   By Aborisade Moshood, 


1 comment:

  1. It is not easy for me to gather together all these information. But I thank God.
