Wednesday 21 September 2011



I want to show you in practical terms, how to add value to your life. There are some ways you can do this. That is, by paying attention to the following and pursuing them vigorously. You can add value to your life through the following means
  1. IMPART OTHERS THROUGH GIVING: if you give, it will come back to you in hundred fold. Acts 9:36-43 about “Dorcas”, Acts 10:1-4 about “Cornelius”.
  2. BE DILIGENT IN SERVICE: God is recording it. God counts on your service as an individual. Exodus 4:23, Exodus 6:16 about “Daniel”
  3. PUT YOUR TALENT TO GOOD USE: Your talent is a special gift you must put to work and profit it. The skills you acquire through education or other mean also fall in line. If you bury your talent you will be judged as foolish and punished because you did not put your talent to use. Matt 25:24-28.
  4. BE AN INTERCESSOR: You can partner with God through prayers to birth His glory upon the nations and lives of people. Job 42:10 and Gen. 18:17
  5. KEEP YOUR VESSEL CLEAN: What is your Value? Are you in a trashcan or in a treasured place? Keep yourself pure and live holy, as you move on in faith and obedience. II Timothy 2:20-22
  6. BUILD UP TRUST AND OBEDIENCE IN GOD: Abraham earned God’s righteousness and was eternally blessed that he became the father of faith through his obedience and faith. Gen. 12:1-4
  7. USE YOUR TIME WISELY (D0 NOT PROCRASTINATE): Value drawn on the resources of time! PROCRASTINATION IS A KILLER OF TIME .Be like the Athenians who knew how to tie their time to things that add value to them. Acts 17:20-21

Benefits of adding value are:
    • God’s divine secrets Gen.18:17
    • Quick answer to your prayers. Isaiah 65:24
    • God will defend you. Exo. 4:23
    • Unexpected blessings II Chronicles 1:10-22
    • God’s protection (Numbers 12:7, Zech 2:8)


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